公司创立于澳大利亚,1999年在澳大利亚证券交易所上市。2014年由复星国际有限公司的全资附属公司超越能源有限公司 收购,成为复星国际子公司,2015年1月底公司从澳大利亚证券交易所退市并继续作为油气公司运营。
Public Cash Offer for
Tethys Oil AB
Roc Oil Company Pty Limited announces the final outcome of the recommended cash offer to the shareholders of Tethys Oil AB: After the expiry of the extension of the acceptance period that ended on 10 January 2025, ROC has controlled in total 31,038,875 shares in Tethys, corresponding to approximately 96.19% of the shares and votes in Tethys. ROC has initiated a compulsory redemption of the remaining shares in Tethys. Tethys’ application for delisting of the shares in Tethys from Nasdaq Stockholm was approved and the last day of trading in Tethys’ shares on Nasdaq Stockholm was 10 January 2025. For full details and more, please click here.
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