Roc Oil Company Pty Limited (ROC) is one of Australia's leading independent upstream oil and gas companies with a presence in China, South East Asia and Australia. The Company operates across the full range of upstream business activities from exploration and appraisal to development and production delivery.
As an operator with strong industry relationships, including National Oil Companies, ROC has a unique set of competitive advantages - a distinct industry position for a company of its size. There are few other Australian upstream companies of a similar size capable of delivering this full suite of services.
The Company has a workforce of approximately 134, located in offices in China, Australia and Malaysia.
Incorporated in Australia, ROC listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) in 1999.
Following the takeover by Transcendent Resources Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Fosun International Limited) in 2014, ROC delisted from the ASX in late January 2015, and continues to operate as an upstream oil and gas company under Fosun International Limited.
The Fosun group is a large investment group, and has substantial operations and business interests in China and internationally.
In June 2019, Hainan Mining Co. Ltd acquired 51% of ROC from Fosun International Limited. In 2023, Hainan Mining Co. Ltd acquired the remaining 49% of ROC from Fosun International Limited. Fosun has a controlling stake in Hainan Mining and continues to be ROC's ultimate parent company.
Latest News Release
14 NOV 23 Hainan Mining acquisition completed
14 APR 23 ROC Corporate Summary
05 APR 23 2022 Annual Financial Report
05 APR 23 ROC Announces Strong FY22 Results